First of all, what is a sparkline?
It is a small line chart, without axis or grids. It typically represents a measure variation over time, and it is often embedded in text.
Hey, wait a moment! Why we developed a custom visual that is similar to a built-in one (the Line chart)? Because sometimes, similar is not enough.

Our sparkline includes several useful options and takes great care to the use of real estate. Here are some examples:

Showing highest/lowest data points

Showing the last value (it can be the sum of the values in the series or the average value)

Showing a target value

Showing a target area

Coloring the sparkline area

Showing multiple measures

Showing multiple items in a category

Ignoring null data points

As previously said, the new API are not completed yet, so we postponed some key feature as:

  • Value label formatting (display unit and decimal places)
  • Tooltips displaying

Please, be patient! We will include these feature after the required APIs will be released by Microsoft.

UPDATE Dec 20, 2016: we just released a new version that include the missing features!

You can watch a demo video and download it here.

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