Who is affected by color blindness?

We know that there are different kinds of color blindness, the most commons of which cause a distorted perception of Red-Green and Yellow-Blue colors.
The National Eye Institute says that at least 8% of men and 0.5% of women in Europe suffer of the Red-Green color disability, while the other deficiencies affect less than 1% of population.

Probably, one of your team-mates is color blind and you don’t even know it!

How color blind people see the colors?

To better understand the impact of color blindness, look at the following picture: on the left there is a simple Bar Chart; on the right, instead, there are a few simulations of the same chart seen by people affected by a color vision deficiency.


Normal vision

Power BI comes with a default color palette to use in charts that is quite good to avoid confusion, but if you use colors outside the standard range (for example, because you have corporate theme constraints), you can easily make mistakes.

Apply different color visions to your Power BI charts

At OKVIZ, we care about this problem, so we are proud to introduce the following initiatives: