Smart Filter Pro is the first commercial custom visual produced by OKViz. We announced the preview phase on July 2, 2018. We then gathered feedback and improved the component, also creating the required infrastructure to support its commercialization.

Download and install Smart Filter Pro
You can download a licensed version of Smart Filter Pro from OKViz, choosing between a free trial or a regular license. The PBIVIZ file for download can be imported into Power BI Desktop.
We suggest installing the PBIVIZ file in the Organizational Custom Visuals repository. This way, any report using the same custom visual will automatically update its version as soon as you update the visual in your Organizational Custom Visuals. More details about the Organizational Custom Visuals are available in the article Deep Dive in the Organizational Custom Visuals in Power BI blog.
Update Smart Filter Pro
Smart Filter Pro sends out notifications about new versions if the “Check for Updates” setting is enabled – the setting is in the About & License properties group. In any case, a notification email about a new version available is sent to the user who register Smart Filter Pro, including a link for the direct download.
The updated licensed version of Smart Filter Pro should be installed in the Organizational Custom Visuals in order to automatically update all the reports published on the Power BI tenant. The component must be manually updated in each report if the Organizational Custom Visuals is not used or is not available.
IMPORTANT: If you downloaded a preview version of Smart Filter Pro before January 28, 2019, then you must manually update Smart Filter Pro in each report. This is a one-time operation that will not be necessary in future updates, and it is not required if you downloaded a trial or licensed version of Smart Filter Pro after January 28, 2019.
There are different subscription plans for Smart Filter Pro with a monthly or yearly payment, and different plans available depending on the type of Power BI license used. With the yearly payment, you pay 10 months and get the other 2 months free. The cost per user is $1/month for a single user, and it goes down to less than $0.04/month for 5,000 users. You can find more details in the Pricing section.
If you have Power BI Pro licenses, you should license the users that can author or view reports in the Power BI tenant. The number of Power BI Pro users licensed in the company usually corresponds to the number of users licensed for Smart Filter Pro. However, you can license a lower number of users for Smart Filter Pro in case you limit the access to the reports using Smart Filter Pro to a smaller group.
If you have Power BI Premium capacity, the subscription model is based on the number of Power BI Premium nodes licensed. This way, you do not have to license individual users accessing reports published on Power BI Premium capacity.
Reports published using the Publish to Web feature do not require additional licenses of Smart Filter Pro.
For ISV using Power BI Embedded, a special per-site license is available.
More information and Frequently Asked Questions
You can find lots of detailed information on the OKViz Pro Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page.
If you have further questions, you are welcome to email us at