In addition to that, now you can choose to not enclose the labels inside the areas of your maps.

Good catch, right?

Unfortunately, because of the amount of changes, the previous version of Synoptic Panel (v1.3.7) will not be automatically updated inside your reports.

Yes, to benefit of all the new features and bug fixes, you have to manually update each report where the component is used. It is a recommend action, also because the previous versions contain deprecated code and we assume that they will stop working very soon.

Synoptic Panel by OKViz is FREE for all, you just have download it from

Note that we re-wrote almost all of the component’s code from scratch, so if you find any bug, please submit it to – and don’t miss to include a sample report file.
Just another thing: current API lacks the Legend interface, so our component doesn’t include this feature anymore. But don’t worry, it is in our roadmap and we will implement it as soon as it will be released by Microsoft.